Tag Archives: Donate Now!

Peace Corps Partnership Program


New Project!

We are still actively working on the composting piggery project, construction will start next week. With the beginning of construction will come a new post updating you about all the goodness going on there. This however,  is a post about a new project!

If you look back through the archives you will see a post entitled “Water Project” which details exactly what this project will cover. Due to changes in the Peace Corps Partnership Program (PCPP) application form, my original submission was sent back to me for revisions. Finally the project was approved by allthe appropriate people and now its up to the public to fund it!

I hate to ask for money, but. Well. We need money.

The way PCPP works is that projects are publicly funded by people we (volunteers) know back home- that means all of you wonderful people! Now don’t you feel special?

The great thing about PCPP, as opposed to other organizations and NGO’s  that take a percentage of your donation for overhead, is that 100% (you heard me correctly folks!) of your donation comes straight to the village to help us ensure a steady supply of clean water! Who could ask for something better than that.

Your donations are also tax deductible, guilt-free, calorie free (as opposed to those Girl Scout cookies we all hunt down once a year), and again, come straight here to the village where we need it the most.

I humbly ask you to help in any way possible. If its $1 that’s great! Just to show you I’m not joking, here is what you would be purchasing for us with a certain donations:

$3- 1 Meter Metal Screening for our biofilters

$6- 1 50mm Valve Socket

$10- 1 bag (50kg) Cement

$30- 1 2″ Strainer to filter things out


Well after those donation levels we get up to the big ticket items which are our water tanks. Two 10,000 liter water tanks for water storage and one 5,000 liter water tank for filtration. The 10,000 liter tanks cost approximately $900 USD a piece.


So, once again. Every little bit helps ensure the availability of clean drinking water for this village for their future. A big thank you in advance, and please follow this link, post it on facebook, tell your friends!



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